Karen Olsen
About Karen:
In my early twenties I discovered that I could teach and that I loved to be in front of people. I was a Lifeguard/Swim Instructor with the City of Edmonton. I then became a certified Fitness Instructor and was one of the first Aquafit Instructors in Edmonton. I loved to work with adults and took pride in my classes. I chose upbeat music that had a positive message and choreographed my routines.
After my children were born I discovered Reiki and became a Reiki Master and began to teach First Degree and Second Degree classes as a Reiki Master. Through Reiki, I discovered a spiritual side to myself that I knew was always there even as a young girl but was never quite able to express. I started to understand that it was about helping others find and express that also. I believe that Clinical Somatic Education is an important part of a persons’ spiritual journey as so much is stored in the physical body.
I have always been active - downhill skiing and riding horses and enjoying walking and snowshoeing these days. However at the age of 59, I thought that I would have to give up on an active lifestyle. I was seeing an array of physio's, chiros, rolfers and myofascial release therapists. Quite frankly I could not afford it.
From the moment that I discovered Clinical Somatics I have been engaged in learning and expanding my knowledge. Within a couple months of practicing Somatics, I was able to release muscles that were held chronically tight and manage my structural issues in my hip. After experiencing such relief in my own body I thought that nearly every single human on this planet would benefit. I have learnt so much on how the brain works and deals with stressful situations. We as humans all have built in reflexes that keep us safe. So much of what we consider aging is actually muscles held chronically tight at the level of the brain.
I have had the great pleasure of teaching Somatic Movement classes for over 8 years. It is of great benefit to everyone...old, young, athletes, men, women anyone who has a brain and muscles....haha! As of April 8, 2023 I have completed my three year 600 hour Clinical Somatic Educator training with Essential Somatics.
Somatics is gentle controlled movements and it is not body exercise, it is brain exercise.
You learn to take back conscious control of muscles at the level of the brain. It is easy to learn and you do not have to keep going to classes or seeing a practioner, you get to be your own therapist!!!
Just a couple weeks ago I worked with a 42 year old women who had just been told by her physiotherapist that the only thing that might help her severe sciatica would be cortisone shots. After about 20 minutes of gentle easy pandiculation of her back muscles, she stretched her legs out, her eyes got wide and then she cried....and she said... "I never expected this... some relief" And she was the one who made it all happen by slowing down and connecting her brain and body.
I have also seen fabulous changes with people who work at industrial jobs, people who work at a desk all day, people with fibroymyalgia, scoliosis and even my neighbor who suffers from MS has seen massive relief. My 90 year old mother and an 11 year old gymnast.....as I said before...if you are human you can benefit from Clinical Somatics.
Karen Olsen